What is reality?
Think about it. You have been taught in school that to discover "Truth" we have an objective system called the "Scientific Method." If you can remember that far back the scientific method is based on your 5 senses.
What you
Consider this quote from Einstein "People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Thank you Einstein, now what the Heck does that mean? Einstein was demonstrating to us that what we observe as our "Reality" may not actually be "Reality." Scared yet? I was and for the most part still am. In his book, "God Delusion" renowned Biologist Dr. Richard Dawkings expresses our ability to 'observe reality' by comparing our perception to a Burka. In other words, you as a person can only:
See - The visible light spectrum is really just a fraction of the over all electromagnetic spectrum. We can only see wavelengths with 380nm to 760nm (nano meters).
Hear - Sound is nothing more than waves of pressure traveling through the air, solid, or liquid. The human ear can only hear pressure frequencies at about 12 to 20,000Hz.
Touch - What we sense as "Solid surface" we saw in my last post is really a force field of the atoms not an actual surface!
Taste, Smell - both are receptors on the tongue and Olfactory that are sensitive to concentrations of chemical compounds. These compounds stimulate these receptors and your brain interprets the oder or taste.
As a being, you are very limited in your ability to observe. This is why scientist have to use expensive instruments to observe things. But, even in our increased ability to observer, Einstein theorized that our underlying assumptions about the Universe are not necessarily well grounded. He revolutionized our idea of the speed of light and time.
Remember the Matrix. Neo realized his whole world was a stubbornly persistent illusion the day he took the red pill. His mind had a hard time accepting that. He threw up all over Trinity. Truth, can sometimes floor us. With Enlightenment comes responsibility. Enlightenment is also very sobering.
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