All right kids, ever wonder why people consider Einstein a genius? What were his contributions?What is this whole thing about 'Relativity' and that famous equation E=mc^2?
Allow me to brake it down...One Step at a time. First, what Einstein predicted and was later proved is that time does NOT tick the same for everyone. You may be sitting there thinking...but wait, I thought time does tick the same for everyone that is why we have time zones? I thought the same thing. I thought it was a bunch of psycho babel smart people used to confuse the rest of us so we keep giving them grant money because we are to self-conscious to admit we don't know what the heck they are talking about.
Actually, time ticks slower the faster you move. So, if you are standing still on the earth time ticks by you at a certain rate...but if you are on a plane traveling at 600 mph for example time ticks slower than the guy standing on the ground.
The idea is known as "Time Dilation" and here is how it works.
v = velocity of guy on plane
c = speed of light
t = how many seconds ticked by for the guy on the ground
t' = how many seconds would have ticked by for the guy in the plane
Any questions?
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