Monday, September 10, 2012

What exactly are you?

What are you of? What makes you, you. Weird question huh? But think about it. What "stuff" makes up your human body. Well, lets see there is the skeletal structure, muscles, nervous system, and somewhere in science I heard we were 70% water.

What's your point?

My Point comes from reading the The God Delusion. Dawkins quotes Steve Grand (pg. 416) who points out the paradox of memory. Think of something that happened in your childhood. How do you remember that, if you were never there?

Wait, what!? What do you mean I was never there? I mean, there is not a single atom in your being aside from bone molecules that were in you when you had that experience. The atoms making up who you are are completely different. The body continues to regenerate itself and dispose of dead cells.

This paradox exists because we tend to only view 'real' things in terms of physical things. Could non-physical things be just as real? Yes, the electromagnetic waves that we cannot see, taste, hear, touch or smell make our phones download data and carry data out. That is just as real even though we may not think of it as "stuff."  You could be said to be the same. The DNA in you replicates cells and your brain somehow stores memory and gives you personality and abilities.

So what makes you, you and what is consciousnesses?

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