Wednesday, March 20, 2019

What do numbers tell us about God?

Does a number exist outside of 'stuff.' In other words, the number three represents the quantity of say 3 apples. However, if I had no apples, does the number 3 still exist? This may seem odd but the question is valid. We rely on numbers but what exactly are they? Are they merely constructs that we have come up with that help us understand the world around us or are they something more? Do they help see things about God? I think they do. As a math teacher I work with numbers and variables everyday. The numbers and variables help us make sense of the world around us. They help us solve problems. But it is interesting that when we do math it seems to always correspond to real world situations. For example, if I know a rate of speed and an amount of time, I can easily calculate the distance traversed = d = r*t. But why? Why does a math equation work? Could it be that numbers are exactly HOW God created the world. In John 1 we see Jesus equated with the word, 'Word.' The word 'Word' comes from the greek word 'Logos.' Logos means divine order. God uses words to create in Genesis 1. I think numbers are skeleton of the cosmos. I think pure math is the transcendent Word of God that holds everything together.

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